Friday, November 29, 2013

Christmas. . . .and Dandelions.

Well, excitement abounds at Beautiful Earth today! Today, because of the graciousness of a friend, I was able to ride down the road and pick up a box of sticker labels with our new logo on them! They are beautiful, and I am so thankful. We spent some of the afternoon packing orders, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself! On top of that, it is officially the first day of the Christmas season in our house - definitely my favorite time of year!
While we were sticking labels on tags earlier, the thought crossed my mind that maybe I should take the time to let you all in on my reasons for the choice of flower on our logo. It's a dandelion, and to many people that bright yellow face represents a weed. A nuisance. Something to be pulled up and thrown away. But if you take the time to look, a dandelion could become one of your most cherished yard ornaments. It happens to be an amazing herb. An edible plant from the roots to the blossoms, the dandelion is high in iron, potassium and vitamins, and even contains more carotene than carrots (ounce for ounce)! The leaves are a potent diuretic, and the root acts as a blood purifier, with the ability to aid both the kidneys and the liver in removing toxins from the body. Dandelions have been used all through history for such things as anemia, osteoporosis, gall bladder issues, irritable bowel syndrome, appetite tonics, fluid retention, constipation and indigestion to name a few. Personally, dandelion tea is one of my favorite remedies for those days when I am just feeling "bleh", or having issues with digestion. It clears my mind, and increases my energy. To many of us, the idea that a dandelion could, in fact, be a wonderful form of nutrition or medicine seems odd, to say the least, which is why I felt it the perfect flower for our logo. Beautiful earth. Turning something simple into something amazing.
And all this stuff about dandelions seems to go perfectly today with my excitement about Christmas. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of a baby. Jesus. It seems like such a simple thing, and entirely unimportant, and yet it was to be the amazing way that we could have a relationship with the God who made us. Wonderful, isn't it? Totally worth celebrating in my opinion! I hope that as you enjoy this Christmas season, you can take the time to remember it's true meaning. . . .and dandelions. Merry Christmas from Beautiful Earth!

Friday, September 27, 2013

What's in a Name

Welcome to Beautiful Earth Ideas! Thank you for being a part of the beginning of my long-awaited journey toward a place that will offer you unique, superior quality products from all natural sources.

Beautiful Earth Ideas was born out of my desire to help people by sharing with them my love for all things natural. This earth we live on was created to be a beautiful place, with so many amazing things for us to enjoy. Useful things. Beautiful things. Healing things.With thousands of readily available, pre-fabricated items already on the store shelves, the difficulty often lies in transforming our available natural resources into an attractive and useable form.  My vision and goal for Beautiful Earth is that it would enable you, and many others, access to a variety of these attractive, useable and effective natural products. While I am beginning with goat's milk soaps and herbal salves, I look forward to adding other products in the future, with a commitment to using only ingredients and materials that are naturally sourced, creating healthy, high quality products for you to enjoy. In essence, to be able to offer you a small piece of our beautiful earth!