Friday, February 7, 2014

Salve, Misconceptions, and Miracles?!

SALVE!. . .I'm a little slow this month, but very happy to be able to say that Triple-C salve is now ready for you all! This little bit of herbal goodness comes in a 2 oz. tin, for $5.00. With the continuous cold weather this year, the salve in our home has been in fairly high demand. Chapped lips, dry, cracking hands, and chapped cheeks have benefited from it's use as well as the normal cuts and scrapes. We look forward to sharing it now with you! Order it anytime- send us an email or call- and we will be happy to get some to you! If you haven't already, check out our salve page to learn about the herbal ingredients and potential benefits of Triple-C salve!

**Also, Rose soap is now on sale for Valentine's Day while supplies last! Let it fill your home with it's heavenly scent!

And don't let the winter blues and sickies bog you down with a bunch of. . .

Misconceptions!. . .
Natural cold and flu remedies now adorn the shelves of drug stores, grocery stores, and even Walmart. I am sure you've seen them. Maybe you've tried them. And maybe you have already given up on them because, like I hear from so many people this time of year, "They just don't work for me." The truth is, natural medicine and holistic healing DO work. Many times the problem is our own misconceptions. While it is true that there are products out there labeled "natural" that are not really what they claim, and may not have any positive benefit to your health, there are many readily available products which could be of  great benefit to you or anyone else. Problem is, we expect a little bit of magic. Pop one pill, watch the symptoms disappear, and then go on our merry way. If we are honest, we want total relief, and we want it now! But natural medicine and healing aren't a drug. They are a way of life. A philosophy even. They are time and effort, and even work (dare I say it!) They are sometimes inconvenient and time consuming, and therein lies the basis of the line I so often hear. "But it just doesn't work for me." True, if you need Vitamin D, zinc probably won't work, and if you need to jump start your bodies immune system with an activating herb, a cup of calming chamomile tea probably won't do what you hoped. The great news is that something WILL work. By "work" I don't mean that your symptoms will disappear in six hours and not return. That drug-induced misconception keeps many people from pursuing natural health. Natural healing works WITH the body. It works at the source, and not just covers the symptoms. Look instead for things like shortened stages of illness, somewhat milder symptoms, a clearer mind, renewed energy or the ability to sleep peacefully and rest well. These are signs that your body is healing. It will take some research on your part. It may take more than one try. Natural medicine has to be used more frequently and for longer periods. So I just encourage you. Try again. Be willing to learn. Get some good books ( a list of some good ones is at the end of this blog!) , and spend some time these winter evenings continuing your own education. Thankfully we are never too old to learn, and never to old to try new things. And sometimes it seems that natural medicine does more then just heal, sometimes it seems to even hold a few

Miracles?!. . . .
A few years ago I co-taught a nutrition class beside a man who had been sent home to die with stage 4 lung cancer. Only 20 years later he wasn't dead. He was teaching a class with me. I know if you asked him, he would say that it took work. That it took faith in God, time, effort, and for a while, all the energy he had. But in the end it paid off. God blessed, and he was healed. I have even experienced this myself. After the birth of my third child, food intolerances that I had developed unknowingly were causing me crazy thyroid issues, among other things. My thyroid was working way too fast. I was underweight, undernourished, and my heart-rate was sky-high most of the time. After spending time in the hospital, going through a few tests and talking with several doctors, it became clear there was nothing wrong with my thyroid, and none of them really knew what was going on. Rather than take medicine we weren't sure would even work, just to keep the symptoms at bay, I began to research. After a good bit of time, effort, and trial and error, I found an herb that worked. Only one, but it did what was necessary. It slowed my body down, and calmed my heart enough to allow me time to figure out what the real problem was. When I was able to pin-point and remove the problem foods, the thyroid difficulties and rapid heart rate went away and stayed away. Six years later, I am still getting better. Still gaining ground, and regaining health. But I am also ever-so-thankful. For a God that I believe gave wisdom, and the One herb I needed. That I tried, and stuck with it. That it worked and is still working.

So, look up. Get up, even. Try again, maybe. I think you may just find that it can work for you, too.

Here are a few places to start:
Simple and easy ones. . .
The ABC Herbal, by Steven H. Horne
No More Antibiotics, by Dr. Mary Ann Block
Herbs for Common Ailments, by Anne McIntyre
A little more thorough. . .
Mommy Diagnostics, by Shonda Parker
What You Don't Know May be Killing You, by Don Colbert, M.D.
The Green Pharmacy, by James A. Duke, Phd.
Detailed and reference material . .
Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit, by Adelle Davis
Prescription for Nutritional Healing, by James Balch, M.D. and Phyllis Balch, C.N.C.
Prescription for Herbal Healing, by Phyllis Balch C.N.C.
Natural Remedies Encyclopedia, by Vance Ferrell and Harold N. Cherne, M.D.

and there are sooooo many more! Happy Reading!